Use the Talent Pipeline Application to access regional occupation and labor market information.

Use Career Bridge to find education and training programs across the state of Washington. In addition, see the “Pay for School” tab to learn more about financial assistance options.

Use the Labor Market Info page to gather additional information on the economy by area throughout Washington such as unemployment, occupation specific wages, and projections.

Use the Registered Apprenticeship
page to learn more about what being an apprentice is like as well as resources to begin taking steps toward finding and applying for apprenticeship programs in Washington.
Many of these resources are based on the Standard Occupational Classification System (SOC). While most occupation titles used in Map Your Career directly mirror this classification system, some reflect industry-specific terminology and are not directly represented in SOC codes.

Use the Self-Sufficiency Calculator to help assess current budget and individual/family needs, calculating next steps needed to achieve long-term financial self-sufficiency.

Use Career Coach to assess potential career interest areas, explore more information about specific career areas, browse training programs, and create a resume.

Providing access to services at over 40 locations, including job search, career planning and training, resources, hiring events, and technology.